Brett Favre Silences Critics, Shows Vikings Aren’t One-Dimensional

Posted: 27th September 2009 by Zeke Fuhrman in NFL
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I read a joke in the Minneapolis Star Tribune a few weeks ago that Brett Favre needed to get a new driver's license. Heáhad to take "Gunslinger" out of his name. On Sunday,áFavre had the writer of that dry joke choking on his words, as he became the first Vikings quarterbackásince 2005 to throw for over 300 yards. Not only that, but he also capped off an 80-yard drive with the game-winning touchdown to Greg Lewis with two seconds left, sending the previously unbeaten 49ers to 2-1. By doing so, he avoided a week of hearing analysts say thatáhe couldn't throw the deep ball. And why should he have to? During the first two games of the season, the Vikings won handily behind the rushing attack of Adrian Peterson and Chester Taylor. Peterson, the league's leading rush ...

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