Why the Atlanta Hawks Are Contenders

Posted: 9th January 2010 by Garrett Tucker in NBA
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Contender or pretender? That is the question that most of us fans are trying to decide this time of year in the NBA. Right now is just the start of very good competition between the true contenders of the NBA, as they separate themselves from the rest of the teams that are pretending to be playoff teams. Right now there is a different vibe throughout the city of Atlanta that has not been felt in a long time. No, it's not the frigid, uncharacteristic weather in the ATL, it happens to be the Hawks. Despite the recent four-game losing streak, the Hawks are back to being the hot topic around Atlanta. Tonight's win over the Boston Celtics could only help the young Hawk team. The game tonight is not the only reason I think that Mike Woodson's team can contend for a championship, but it showed so ...

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