Toronto Raptors’ Marcus Banks Told to Stay Away

Posted: 20th October 2009 by Stephen Brotherston in NBA
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ThereÆs a new rash of players being told to stay away from their teams this season in the NBA and fans should expect this list to grow and to include some very big names. Marcus Banks wasnÆt at the ACC on Sunday and his permitted return date is unknown.á Banks has been kept way for the most mundane of reasons, but a reason that is striking fear into coaches and GMs across the league. H1N1 or Swine Flu is here. It looks like the H1N1 virus may not have actually afflicted this Raptor, but flu season is taking on new meaning during this preseason. Since almost no one has been previously exposed to this flu variant, the risks of infection are high, and no team can afford to have a significant portion of their roster miss games at the same time. Last week it was the C ...

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