West versus Rivera: Yankee/Red Sox games too long?

Posted: 9th April 2010 by Bronx Baseball Daily in MLB
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Recently, umpire Joe West spoke out against the Yankees and Red Sox organizations, saying they play too slow. The comments followed a 10-inning affair that lasted just less than three and a half hours. Some words West used to describe the teams included “embarrassing” and “pathetic.” “They’re the two clubs that don’t try to pick up the pace,” said West, chief of the umpiring crew that worked the three-game series in Boston. “They’re two of the best teams in baseball. Why are they playing the slowest?" Source: NorthJersey.com The issue of the Yankees slowing the game down isn’t new. We’ve heard about it for years. In the past few, however, the issue has been escalated and brought to the public eye. Most recently, Bob ...

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