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Written By: Mark ôThe Hard Hitterö Ritter

For Toronto Maple Leaf fans, the 4-3 loss to the Montreal Canadiens on Thursday night left a bitter taste in their mouths. For Montreal Canadiens fans, the win came at a huge cost, mainly defenseman Andrei Markov.

Markov, who is widely considered the Habs' best player, was clipped by the skate of Canadiens goaltender Carey Price, which led to Markov suffering a lacerated tendon in his ankle. It was an innocent play but, when everything is said and done, the injury will sideline Markov for up to four months and, quite possibly, the entire season.

So, just how bad is it? Well, for starters, the Habs have a 6-19-2 record without Markov in their lineup. Not for nothing, but it would seem to me if the Canadiens intend ...

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