The Phinal Word: Are The Miami Dolphins Scared Of The Deep End?

Posted: 28th September 2009 by Geoff Zochodne in NFL
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I'll beáblunt: the most excited I got all Sunday was when Chad Pennington's nose exploded. Not because of my insatiable bloodlust, because you know, it's insatiable. But because I saw evidenceáthat blood actually ran through the Dolphins instead ofámotor oil. Penningtonáplayedáan entire drive looking like he'd just squared off against George Foreman. It had me on my feet yelling an acapellaáversion of theáRocky theme song. The whole scene wasáawe-inspiring,áand I was captivated up until Ronnie Brownáand Pennington'sásuccessful punt. Or should I say fumbled touchback? It was too surreal to describe. The point is thatáI was excited; it looked like Miami was ready to startáexhibiting some passion. Becau ...

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