Eric Mangini Overseeing an Abysmal Mess in Cleveland

Posted: 23rd September 2009 by Midwest Sports Fans in NFL
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Okay, I'm finally done with my so-called day job deadline so I can now truly reflect on the abysmal mess that head coach Eric Mangini has created with the once-proud Cleveland Browns. Ironically, the imposters, the mismatched retreads, and rookies we call the New Browns are going to Baltimore to play The Real Browns, now called the Ravens. But being from Cleveland, I’ll watch the game with my eyes partially closed, amidst the usual f-bombs, moans, screeches, and objects thrown. To Jrod: Yeah, the first two weeks have flown by fast. Unfortunately, the season, after two games, seems on a runaway elevator catapulting down to the basement. First and foremost: Mangini is a madman, a paranoid schizophrenic who talked Randy Lerner into this gig. It is like having your hometown ruled ...

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