Buccaneers Hope They Can Survive “The Evil Hoodie”

Posted: 21st October 2009 by Tom Edrington in NFL
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A word to wise Buccaneers: Beware the evil hoodie! Beware of the mad scientist of New England. Beware of his quarterback, Tom Brady. Beware of the team that just butt-kicked the Tennessee Titans into the land of 59-0 oblivion. Yes, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, you best be in the "beware" mode when you head for London on Friday. It's not bad enough that the Buccaneers are 0-6. It's not bad enough that they have to grab a trans-Atlantic flight for this week's "home" game in Wembley Stadium. Now the Bucs' brain-trust gets to match game plans with Bill Belichick, the NFL's "evil hoodie." Raheem Morris can spend all the time he wants but even in his dreams he'd fall short of out-preparing Belichick. It's been bad news for these "Bad News Bucs" this season and the news didn't get any better for Morris ...

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