Author Archive

A Passage To Philadelphia: The Magnitude Of Roy Halladay

Posted: 20th December 2009 by Will Rainey in MLB
I took a bit of time to offer up my thoughts on the Only Trade That Matters. For good reason, such a deal provokes an instant firestorm of reaction, and there's a point at which you are contributing to information overload instead of getting your message across. So now it's been a week since Alex Anthopoulos and Ruben Amaro, Jr. shook virtual hands on the basic structure of the deal which ...

A Post Mortem: The JP Ricciardi Era Comes To an End

Posted: 3rd October 2009 by Will Rainey in MLB
So it begins. For several years now the impatient McFans of the Toronto Blue Jays have cried out for the head of the GM and today they finally got their wish. I have said in this space, and believe, that the time was right to let him go, because the team has imploded this year in multiple ways. I'm not convinced all or even most of the current wreckage is his ...
I have learned, in my time blogging on the Blue Jays, that often times you get a better read on a "breaking" story if you hang back and let it develop, both in the traditional media and in the blogosphere, before you dash off a missive detailing your fevered ramblings. Such was my response to the huge "Players v. Cito" storm breaking over the end of the Jays' disappointing 2009 season.Of ...

The Next Big Thing: Has Alex Anthopoulos’ Time Arrived?

Posted: 22nd September 2009 by Will Rainey in MLB
There's no one else in Toronto Blue Jays management I'd rather see turn up for an interview than Assistant GM Alex Anthopoulos. If it's true, as some suggest, that keeping or firing JP Ricciardi is no longer about on field results so much as changing the public perception of the team, then it's hard to imagine the jays can do better in that regard than hiring a 32-year-old Canadian who has ...