Author Archive

2010 NFL Preview: 10 Teams Most Reliant on Rookies

Posted: 6th July 2010 by Jay Dee in NFL
When the 2010 NFL draft was officially opened, there were teams in the room that were going to use the draft to strengthen an already strong team and those that were building for the future. Then there was a third type participating. The teams that felt they were only a few pieces away from being competitive. Those teams were drafting players they would be relying on right away. This slide show will ...
Things are beginning to heat up between 49er and Raider Nations. The teams that share a world-famous bridge are going head-to-head for the right to call themselves "Bosses of the Bay." Both teams appear to be returning to their former glory with good offseasons and positive changes, but who will come out on top when the 2010 regular season comes to an end? To find out, we have to remember that football ...
Darren McFadden needs to get in gear to avoid a "Russell-like" fate! The current offseason put together by the Oakland Raiders has inspired a ground swell of positivity and elation from the majority of Raider Nation. The great draft, the trade for Jason Campbell, and the cutting of dead, unproductive weight is very pleasing to most fans. The move that seems to supercede all others is the release of former first overall ...

Oakland Raiders Finally Release JaMarcus Russell

Posted: 6th May 2010 by Jay Dee in NFL
I said it wouldn't happen, but I stand corrected —and elated! ESPN and the NFL Network are now reporting that the Oakland Raiders have released former No. 1 overall pick JaMarcus Russell. This move doesn't surprise too many people, but I certainly was a little shocked. Not because I think Russell deserves to remain on the roster, but because I thought Al Davis wasn't willing to give up on him just ...
"...the Oakland Raiders select, Lamarr Houston, defensive tackle, Texas." Wait. What? That can't be right, can it? The Raiders don't make two good picks in a row, do they? Apparently, they do! Whoever is responsible for this draft-day turn around is officially on Raider Nation's Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanzaa/Winter Solstice gift list (did I forget anyone?). Lamarr Houston was not the best defensive tackle in the draft, but he is quite possibly the most ...

2010 NFL Draft Round Two Draft Grades: Winners and Losers

Posted: 23rd April 2010 by Jay Dee in NFL
Round two is in the books, and once again there were some great picks, some bad picks, and some big surprises. There was still a lot of good talent on the board when the second round began. One of my colleagues, Elias Trejo said, "With the talent still on the board, it almost feels like a first round all over again." That about sums it up. What follows is a review of ...
Every member of Raider Nation has an opinion as to what players Al Davis should take on draft day. Most fans are agreed that Oakland needs to improve the offensive line, defensive line, and middle linebacker positions. However, I still see a lot of fans that are clamoring for a quarterback, cornerback, and defensive end. This makes no sense to me. Yes, the Raider's quarterback position is in disarray. And yes, the ...
As the 2010 NFL draft approaches, many Oakland Raider fans find themselves wondering, "what is Al Davis going to do to mess things up this year?" Darius Heyward-Bey and Darren McFadden are first round picks that have been criticized, but no one really knows if they are "busts" or not; it's too soon to tell. JaMarcus Russell, on the other hand... Davis' late round choices have actually been pretty superb. Louis Murphy, Michael ...

NFL Players: For Love or Money? Part Two of Two

Posted: 15th April 2010 by Jay Dee in NFL
In part one of this two part series I discussed some of the NFL players that are playing this game for the love of football, rather than for money. In this part, I will be focusing on the opposite of that. What follows is a list of only some of the NFL players that are only in the game for the big payday. I'm sure I will anger some people in ...

NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement: What’s the Hold up?

Posted: 10th April 2010 by Jay Dee in NFL
  Taking care of those that paved the way to prosperity. One of the many sticking points in negotiating the new collective bargaining agreement between the NFL owners and NFLPA (NFL Player's Association) is post-retirement medical care and financially helping the "old timers." The players aren't interested in signing a new agreement that doesn't include a pension and future medical care for both older and current players and the owners don't appear willing ...