Author Archive

New York Mets: Realistic Expectations

Posted: 10th April 2010 by Jason Adamowicz in MLB
Mets fans are passionate, loyal, and at times pessimistic.  They also hold very high expectations.  One can understand the pessimism, as we have been witness to quite the roller coaster in the past few years.  I consider myself one of the more optimistic fans of the Amazins'.  As evidence, I provide you with exhibit one (read Opening Day Optimism ). At times, there are many of my brethren that get discouraged ...

New York Mets Opening Day Optimism

Posted: 4th April 2010 by Jason Adamowicz in MLB
Opening Day optimism, there is nothing like it in sports.  Cubs fans have thrived on it for over 100 years. This is, by far, my favorite time of the year on the sports calendar.  The snow has melted, the grass is turning green, and I can start to hear the crack of the bat and roar of the crowd. I have been a New York Mets ...