Author Archive

Thanksgiving Football Becoming a Joke

Posted: 26th November 2009 by Danny Vohden in NFL
I love tradition just a much as the next guy, and nothing quite goes with Thanksgiving like football. But can we please get some better match ups? The tryptophan and wine are enough to make people sleepy, we don't need to watch the Lions and Raiders on top of it. I understand it's tradition for the Lions to play at home, but they are, and have been, terrible for quite some time now. They ...

NBA Head Coach: Most Useless Position in Sports

Posted: 13th November 2009 by Danny Vohden in NBA
With the recent firing of Byron Scott, I can't help but notice how little an NBA coach actually does to impact a game. Just take a look at these coaches. á Byron Scott : How is it that a guy who was Coach of the Year two years ago, and who has virtually the same roster, is suddenly not a good coach anymore? What has happened since that time that has lessened his ...