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More on Crabtree and 49ers

Posted: 21st September 2009 by Andrew Brandt in NFL
Hopefully, my look inside the 49ers-Michael Crabtree negotiations on Friday proved the point that it’s not as simple as “slotting the pick” and filling in the numbers accordingly. This one is complicated for a few reasons, some of which we discussed then. In negotiating the contract for Jeremy Maclin, the wide receiver taken after Crabtree in the first round (albeit nine picks later), one of the difficulties was that the selection was ...
National Football Post It seems like every year there’s one negotiation that stands out as the last remaining battleground between a player and a team. The fact that this year’s last man standing is Michael Crabtree is not surprising, for a few reasons: 1. Crabtree appears to have a “herd” of enablers around him, including a cousin who’s a self-proclaimed adviser and enjoyed his 15 minutes of fame earlier this summer when ...

Wednesday Why’s: The Reason for Veteran Signings

Posted: 16th September 2009 by Andrew Brandt in NFL
Why Are Teams Now Starting to Sign Vested Veterans? The financial ramifications of signing vested players became much less severe on Monday. As I wrote last week, any vested player on a roster at the start of the regular season is required to be paid his full salary—as termination pay—in the event he’s released. That requirement was significantly reduced as of Monday. Now, a vested veteran must only be paid one-quarter of ...

Now It’s “We” Time in the NFL

Posted: 11th September 2009 by Andrew Brandt in NFL
National Football Post As of Thursday night’s scintillating opener, another NFL season is upon us, seven long months since a meaningful snap was last taken. I have always referred to football’s long offseason as “me” time, when players seek to get the best they can get for themselves, with the interests of the team being secondary. We have now finally reached “we” time, when teams galvanize together in the ultimate team ...