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Lebron + Wade + Bosh = 2010/2011 Miami Heat

Posted: 28th June 2010 by Andre Rojter in NBA
  NBA insider Stephen A. Smith sent out a tweet this morning that made sure everyone in Miami would hear it, despite how late they stayed out on South Beach. "I just reported on my show that LeBron James is heading to S. Beach -- with Chris Bosh -- to team with Dwayne Wade and Pat Riley." That exact quote came from Stephen A. Smith's twitter account. Smith would also go on to say during ...
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell needs to pay very close attention to what is happening half way around the world in South Africa. The lead up to the worlds biggest sporting event has made its point: injuries can and will occur. This concept can not go unheard in the NFL offices and they ought to move quickly to set up a better system for the preseason. World wide today nations are left with ...